We created this contact channel to talk about the various possibilities for protecting and waterproofing surfaces that EasyTech Shield can offer to everyone. Be it upholstery, fabric, glass, wood or metal, for example, there are products capable of protecting easily, quickly and without the inclusion of toxic substances in the process. Best of all, you can make the application yourself, saving time and money! It is with this objective that we created the EasyTech Shield: make people's lives easier!

One of the great differentials of our products is in the use of nanoteclogy.


And why is nanotechnology useful when it comes to waterproofing and surface protection? By way of comparison, a nano layer can be a thousand times thinner than a hair. And the benefit of this, when it comes to waterproofing and surface protection, is the possibility of creating a very small and powerful layer of protection. Such a thin layer has the ability to penetrate the surface and create a protective shield against dirt and liquids without changing the characteristics of the surface and keeping it breathable. It is an invisible, odorless and non-toxic layer, but very effective.

Nontoxic and odorless products.

Over time EasyTech Shield will share with you the benefits and application opportunities for each of our products. Among these benefits, one stands out: being environmentally friendly. Our products are non-toxic and odorless. This allows you to use them without having to take all the necessary precautions if you were using a toxic product. You will not need to use materials such as gloves and masks during application and your family and pets will not be exposed to any toxic substance.

Products and applications

Below we list some of the most common uses of our products:

In the next posts we will talk more about each of these applications and clarify doubts about the application and expected results. Do you want to know more about waterproofing and protecting surfaces? Enter in contact with us!

To the next!

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