Brazil is undoubtedly the largest market in Latin America in terms of coatings for painting, the vitrifiers. Naturally, the number of brands and options for glazing products are equally large, at the most varied prices. This competition is great for those who apply, but it also raises doubts about the pros and cons of each brand. Which one is the best? GT1 Ceramic? VX45? Ceramic Pro? The truth is that there is no pure and simple product
better. Each product offers different benefits, and depending on the service provided by the applicator, each product can offer a better performance. We will gather below some characteristics of the main brands in the market in a quick summary. Then, it is valid to contact each manufacturer to find out more details and have more security in your purchase.

GT1 Ceramic:  50ml and 30ml packaging. Hardness: H5. Durability: up to 3 years. Benefits: repellency, soft touch, deep shine, UV protection, ease of application (does not stain dark and light paintings). Drying time: 2 hours. Price: R$ 149.99 .. Yield from 4 to 5 small vehicles.
Ceramic Pro: 50ml packaging, H9 hardness. Durability of 5 years. It delivers repellency with the application of another product in the line (Ceramic Pro Light), UV protection and deep shine. Professional application, to achieve extended warranty, more than one layer must be applied. Drying time 24 hours. Price: R$ 649.00

VX45: packaging of 20ml, 60ml and 100ml. H9 hardness. Durability of 3 years. Benefits: repellency, brightness and UV protection. First drying in 70 minutes. It should be applied with care especially in dark paintings, with removal with a damp cloth. The manufacturer recommends applying sealant to maintain repellency. Price: R$ 170.00 60ml bottle.

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